Object of the game: To score more goals than your opponent
Number of players: 4 players and 1 goalie on the field
The roster size: Between 7 and 8 players.
Game length: Two 10-minutes periods. If both teams tie, then overtime will occur. The first team to score wins.
Substitutions: May occur on the fly at any time (similar to line changes in ice hockey)
Stick interference: Players cannot lift, hold or impede an opposing player’s stick. Playing your stick between another player’s legs is not allowed
High Stick: Players cannot make contact with the ball using their stick above average knee level. Players cannot raise their sticks above waist level at any time.
Hands, feet and heads: Players can’t touch the ball with these parts of the body, except the goalie
Body contact: Only incidental shoulder contact (like soccer) is allowed.
Penalty shots: When a defender plays the ball in the goalie crease or when an infraction is committed on a clear scoring chance.
Free hit: Possession change. Occurs after minor infraction or when the ball goes out the game.
Minor infraction: Free hit
Major infraction: Dangerous play or repeated infractions. Results in a two-minute penalty
Goal crease: Normal players can’t enter there. Goalkeepers may only touch the ball when a part of their body is inside it. If the goalie leaves the crease they become a field player without a stick, meaning they can only kick, and not be able to pass.